
This is for you.

You are a strong, independent woman, who is busy with family, life, and career you love.

You are divided between your responsibilities as a mother who strives to provide leadership in her home and inspiration to many others.

You love to learn, grow, and connect with other people with the same aspiration as you.

You offer the best of your work to your clients who knows the value of what you offer.

You educate others of your processes, inspiration, and resources to help them with their goals.

Yet you struggle.

You fall behind your ever growing list as you connect with more and more people.

You question whether you are spending enough time with your family.

You constantly have to adapt to changes that comes with different stages of life.

You know you need a break but when and where and how do you figure out the logistics?

Your mind wants to go but your body says hey slow down!

How I want to help?

I like photos.

Specifically the ones that have helped me get to the other side.

The side opposite of feeling lonely, being not good enough, and doubting myself.

I want to create a space for you.

A space where you can look at photos to feel better.

I want to find places for you.

Places that finds me peace and brings me joy because of its beauty and memories to be made there.

I want to capture your time doing what you love.

Share your passion, let your people get to know you, and spark connection.

I am here for you.

The way someone has been there for me.

I am paying it forward in honor of all the people who has helped me

through my pains to bring forth my dream of women conquering their adversities to live the life they want.

For you, for us, and for the next generation.


Overwhelmed? Top 10 Tips To Slow Down